You can create up to 20 global alerts, and you can edit those alerts as needed.
Note: Adding or editing global alerts requires the "Global Alerts, Add/Edit/Delete" security right.
To add or edit a global alert
In the Global Alerts Setup dialog box, do one of the following:
To add a new global alert, click the New Global Alert button .
To edit an existing global alert, select that alert, and then click the View/Edit Global Alert button .
If applicable, do one of the following:
If the Password - Global Alerts, Add/Edit/Delete dialog box appears, user verification has been assigned to the "Global Alerts, Add/Edit/Delete" task. Do one of the following:
If your user account has been granted the "Global Alerts, Add/Edit/Delete" security right, enter your credentials in the User ID and Password boxes, and then click OK.
If your user account has not been granted the "Global Alerts, Add/Edit/Delete" security right, have a user with permission temporarily override this restriction so you can add or edit a global alert this one time. The overriding user enters his or her credentials in the User ID and Password boxes and then clicks OK.
If a message appears, informing you that you do not have rights to this operation, your user account has not been granted the "Global Alerts, Add/Edit/Delete" security right. To have a user with permission temporarily override this restriction so you can add or edit a global alert this one time, do the following:
On the message, click Yes.
In the Password - Global Alerts, Add/Edit/Delete dialog box, the overriding user enters his or her credentials in the User ID and Password boxes and then clicks OK.
The Setup Global Alert dialog box appears.
On the Alert Options tab, set up or change the following options:
Alert Name - A description of the alert (up to 30 characters in length).
Alert Text - The text of the alert (up to 500 characters in length).
Areas where this alert will be displayed - Where you want to have notifications appear. Either select the All checkbox to select all the items in the list, or select and deselect items in the list. The following options are available:
Create New Appointment - In the New Appointment Information dialog box, notifications appear when you do any of the following:
Under Reason, click Initial or Misc, make your selections, and then click OK.
Under Reason, click Tx, click New Tx, add procedures, and then click OK/Post.
Edit Existing Appointment - In the Appointment Information dialog box, notifications appear when you do any of the following:
Under Reason, click Initial or Misc, make your selections, and then click OK.
Under Reason, click Tx, click New Tx, add procedures, and then click OK/Post.
Family File - Notifications appear when you select a patient.
Lab results - In the Lab Tests dialog box, notifications appear when you select a lab order, select a result, and then click View Result.
Ledger - While viewing Ledger or Ledger - Treatment Plan, in the Enter Procedure(s) dialog box, a notification appears when you add or edit a procedure, set the status to Treatment Plan, and then click OK/Post.
Medical Alerts - Notifications appear when you add a new problem, medication/prescription, or allergy.
Patient Chart - Notifications appear when you do any of the following:
If the auto-state button is +, select a procedure using the desired method and teeth in the graphical chart, and then click the EO, Ex, Tx, or Comp status button.
If the auto-state button is -, and the EO, Ex, Tx, or Comp status button is selected, select teeth in the graphical chart, select a procedure in the Select Procedure Code dialog box, and then click OK.
Prescriptions - In the New Patient Prescription dialog box, notifications appear when you set up the prescription options, and then click Print or OK.
Treatment Planner - Notifications appear when you do any of the following:
Select a treatment plan case, click the Update Case Status button, and then select Completed.
Right-click a procedure of a treatment plan case, and then click Set Complete.
C-CDA/eRx Reconciliation - Notifications appear when you do any of the following:
Close ePrescribe.
Import a C-CDA file.
Procedure Completed - While viewing Chart, notifications appear when you chart completed procedures. Alternatively, while viewing Chart or Ledger - Treatment Plan, in the Enter Procedure(s) dialog box, a notification appears when you add or edit a procedure, set the status to Completed, and then click OK/Post.
User types that will see this alert - The types of users who will see the alert (primary providers, secondary providers, and/or staff). Select or clear the Primary, Secondary, and Staff checkboxes (but at least one type must be selected) to include or exclude those types of users.
Additional Attributes of Clinical Info/Guideline - The following additional information regarding the alert:
Bibliographic Citation - The bibliographic citation of the intervention (clinical research/guideline).
Developer/Author - The developer of the intervention (translation from clinical research/guideline).
Funding Source of Technical Information - The funding source of the intervention development technical implementation.
Release Date - Release date of the intervention or reference source.
Revision Date - If applicable, the revision date of the intervention or reference source.
To have this information appear on the alert message, select the Show on Alert checkbox; otherwise, clear the checkbox.
Diagnostic and Therapeutic Reference Resources - Resources to include on the alert. Do any of the following:
To add a resource, do the following:
click Add.
The Reference Source dialog box appears.
To search for a problem, medication, or lab test, select the Problems, Medications, or Lab Tests option, respectively.
In the box, enter your search criteria:
For problems, enter the first or more characters of a SNOMED CT description or code.
For medications, enter the first or more characters of a description.
For lab tests, enter the first or more characters of a LOINC description or code.
Click the search button to view a list of matching problems, medications, or lab tests.
In the list, select the correct problem, medication, or lab test.
Note: To view information regarding the selected problem, medication, or lab test, click Show Online. The NIH website opens in a Web browser.
Click OK.
To remove a resource from the Diagnostic and Therapeutic Reference Resources list, select it, and then click Remove.
Click Next, or select the Patient Filters tab.
Set up the criteria for any of the following filters that you want to apply:
Problems - The problems to check for. Do the following:
Click Select.
The Select Problems dialog box appears.
If the problem that you want to add is not in the list on the left, to add that problem, click New.
Note: Adding a problem definition requires the "Practice Definitions Setup" security right.
To add problems, do one of the following: select one or more problems in the list on the left, and then click the right-pointing chevron (>) to add only those problems; or click the double-right-pointing chevron (>>) to add all problems.
To remove problems, do one of the following: select one or more problems in the list on the right, and then click the left-pointing chevron (<) to remove only those problems; or click the double-left-pointing chevron (<<) to remove all problems.
Click OK.
With problems specified for this filter, for Display this alert if a patient has..., select any or all to check if a patient record has any one or all of the selected problems.
Medications - The medications to check for. Do the following:
Click Select.
The Select Medications dialog box appears.
If the medication that you want to add is not in the list on the left, to add that medication , click New.
Note: Adding a medication definition requires the "Practice Definitions Setup" security right.
To add medications, do one of the following: select one or more medications in the list on the left, and then click the right-pointing chevron (>) to add only those medications; or click the double-right-pointing chevron (>>) to add all medications.
To remove medications, do one of the following: select one or more medications in the list on the right, and then click the left-pointing chevron (<) to remove only those medications; or click the double-left-pointing chevron (<<) to remove all medications.
Click OK.
With medications specified for this filter, for Display this alert if a patient has..., select any or all to check if a patient record has any one or all of the selected medications.
Allergies - The allergies to check for. Do the following:
Click Select.
The Select Allergies dialog box appears.
If the allergy that you want to add is not in the list on the left, to add that allergy, click New.
Note: Adding an allergy definition requires the "Practice Definitions Setup" security right.
To add allergies, do one of the following: select one or more allergies in the list on the left, and then click the right-pointing chevron (>) to add only those allergies; or click the double-right-pointing chevron (>>) to add all allergies.
To remove allergies, do one of the following: select one or more allergies in the list on the right, and then click the left-pointing chevron (<) to remove only those allergies; or click the double-left-pointing chevron (<<) to remove all allergies.
Click OK.
With allergies specified for this filter, for Display this alert if a patient has..., select any or all to check if a patient record has any one or all of the selected allergies.
Patient Health Assessment - The vital signs to check for in patient health assessments. Do any of the following:
To add a vital sign, do the following:
Click Add.
The Select Patient Health Assessment dialog box appears.
Select a vital sign reading (systolic or diastolic blood pressure, pulse, weight, height, BMI, temperature, respiratory rate, pulse oximetry, or inhaled oxygen concentration).
Select whether the selected reading Is equal to, Is greater than, Is greater than or equal to, Is less than, or Is less than or equal to a specified value. And, enter the value to compare.
Next to For Patient Health Assessment data within the last, select Day(s), Week(s), or Month(s) to include patient health assessments that have been performed within a specified number of days, weeks, or months. Enter the number of days, weeks, or months.
Click OK.
To edit a vital sign, do the following:
Select a vital sign, and then click Edit.
The Select Patient Health Assessment dialog box appears.
Select a vital sign reading (systolic or diastolic blood pressure, pulse, weight, height, BMI, temperature, respiratory rate, pulse oximetry, or inhaled oxygen concentration).
Select whether the selected reading Is equal to, Is greater than, Is greater than or equal to, Is less than, or Is less than or equal to a specified value. And, enter the value to compare.
Next to For Patient Health Assessment data within the last, select Day(s), Week(s), or Month(s) to include patient health assessments that have been performed within a specified number of days, weeks, or months. Enter the number of days, weeks, or months.
Click OK.
To delete a vital sign, do the following:
Select a vital sign, and then click Delete.
With vital signs specified for this filter, for Display this alert if a patient has..., select any or all to check if a patient record has any one or all of the selected vital signs in patient health assessments.
Prescriptions - The prescriptions to check for. Do the following:
Click Select.
The Select Prescriptions dialog box appears.
Select the prescriptions to add.
Deselect the prescriptions to remove.
Click OK.
With prescriptions specified for this filter, for Display this alert if a patient has..., select any or all to check if a patient record has any one or all of the selected prescriptions.
Patient Information - The demographics to check for: gender, race, ethnicity, religion, poverty level, worker status, veteran status, user defined category, language, and/or age or age range. Do the following:
Click Select.
The Select Patient Information dialog box appears.
Select the demographics to add.
Deselect the demographics to remove.
To specify an age range, do one of the following:
To include all ages, select the All Ages option for both From and To.
To include a specific age, for both From and To, select the top option, and then enter the same age.
To include a specific range of ages, do the following: for From, select the top option, and then enter the starting age of the range; and for To, select the top option, and then enter the ending age of the range.
To include an open-ended range of ages, do the following: for From or To, select the top option, and then enter an age; and for the other option, select the All Ages option.
Click OK.
With demographics specified for this filter, for Display this alert if a patient has..., select any or all to check if a patient record has any one or all of the selected demographics.
Lab Test results - The lab test results to check for. Do any of the following:
To add a result, do the following:
Click Add.
The Select Lab Case Results dialog box appears.
Select a Test Name.
Note: Only results that are attached to lab tests appear in the list.
Select whether the result for the selected test Is equal to, Is greater than, Is greater than or equal to, Is less than, or Is less than or equal to a specified value. And, enter the value to compare.
Next to For a test result within the last, select Day(s), Week(s), or Month(s) to include results that have been received within a specified number of days, weeks, or months. Enter the number of days, weeks, or months.
Click OK.
To edit a result, do the following:
Select a result, and then click Edit.
The Select Lab Case Results dialog box appears.
Select a Test Name.
Note: Only results that are attached to lab tests appear in the list.
Select whether the result for the selected test Is equal to, Is greater than, Is greater than or equal to, Is less than, or Is less than or equal to a specified value. And, enter the value to compare.
Next to For a test result within the last, select Day(s), Week(s), or Month(s) to include results that have been received within a specified number of days, weeks, or months. Enter the number of days, weeks, or months.
Click OK.
To delete a result, do the following:
Select a result, and then click Delete.
With lab test results specified for this filter, for Display this alert if a patient has..., select any or all to check if a patient record has any one or all of the selected lab test results.
Billing Types - The billing types to check for. With billing types specified for this filter, a patient record is checked for one of the selected billing types. Do the following:
Click Select.
The Select Billing Types dialog box appears.
If the billing type that you want to add is not in the list on the left, to add that billing type, click New.
Note: Adding a billing type definition requires the "Practice Definitions Setup" security right.
To add billing types, do one of the following: select one or more billing types in the list on the left, and then click the right-pointing chevron (>) to add only those billing types; or click the double-right-pointing chevron (>>) to add all billing types.
To remove billing types, do one of the following: select one or more billing types in the list on the right, and then click the left-pointing chevron (<) to remove only those billing types; or click the double-left-pointing chevron (<<) to remove all billing types.
Click OK.
Patient Tags - The patient tags to check for. Do the following:
Click Select.
The Select Patient Tags dialog box appears.
If the patient tag that you want to add is not in the list on the left, to add that patient tag, click New.
Note: Adding a patient tag definition requires the "Practice Definitions Setup" security right.
To add patient tags, do one of the following: select one or more patient tags in the list on the left, and then click the right-pointing chevron (>) to add only those patient tags; or click the double-right-pointing chevron (>>) to add all patient tags.
To remove patient tags, do one of the following: select one or more patient tags in the list on the right, and then click the left-pointing chevron (<) to remove only those patient tags; or click the double-left-pointing chevron (<<) to remove all patient tags.
Click OK.
With patient tags specified for this filter, for Display this alert if a patient has..., select any or all to check if a patient record has any one or all of the selected patient tags.
Completed Procedures - The completed procedures to check for. Do the following:
Click Select.
The Select Procedure Codes dialog box appears.
To add procedure codes, select one or more procedure codes in the upper list, and then click Add.
To search for procedure codes, do the following: click Search; enter the first or more characters of a procedure category, code, and/or description; and then click Show Results to view the matching procedure codes in the upper list.
After searching for procedure codes, to return to the list of all procedure codes, click Search, Clear Search, and then Show Results.
To remove procedure codes, select one or more procedure codes in the lower list, and then click Remove.
Click OK.
With procedure codes specified for this filter, for Display this alert if..., select any or all to check if a patient record has any one or all of the selected completed procedures.
Click Finish.